"There are only three measurements that tell you nearly everything you need to know about your organisation’s overall performance: employee engagement, customer satisfaction, and cash flow.” — Jack Welch, Former Chairman and CEO, General Electric.

The latest version of Embrace ERP focusses on facilitating and improving engagement – engagement with colleagues, engagement with customers and engagement with the software itself.


Today, almost everyone is using technology. Smartphones, laptops, and tablet devices have made it easier than ever before to access services and content – anywhere and anytime. This new level of accessibility is reshaping the modern workplace. Your hyper-connected employees have grown accustomed to the speed, responsiveness, and usability of the apps they use in their day-to-day lives and are demanding a superior user experience. They want rich, relevant, intuitive and engaging experiences that imitate the way they interact with technology in their personal lives.

The Embrace Desktop has been designed to meet these demands and help create the engaging working environments that resonate with your tech-savvy employees. Location, platform and device agnostic, Embrace delivers easy anywhere, anytime access to all the information they need.
Time is valuable and with businesses demanding increased productivity, the Embrace Desktop User Interface (UI) places a premium on speed, efficiency, information availability and intuition.

Ensuring the most adaptable, extensible user experience the Embrace desktop embraces diversity, simplicity and personality. Let’s unpack these:


Leveraging latest technologies, the Embrace desktop delivers cross platform capability. Users can run their operating system of choice, e.g. they can run on Windows, Mac and Linux, with options for iPhone and Android. The user interface is completely scalable and provides a seamless experience from desktop to mobile device.


Simplicity is key to user acceptance. Using modern design principles, Embrace delivers unmatched responsiveness and provides a personalised and role-based user experience across all lines of business, tasks and devices.

The user experience can be streamlined for transaction screens, including custom transactions, with minimal effort. Simpler screens enable users to navigate business processes quickly and easily. This saves time, increases user confidence and boosts productivity.
User experience not only increases user satisfaction, it reduces the effort required for training and minimises errors.

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A simple, enjoyable user experience is great; the ability to personalise and make it their own is even better! The on-demand culture that we live in is evidenced in ERP as well. Users want information presented the way they want to view it, with their own formatting, styles, colours, sorting, indicators, trending, etc. Providing a platform with this level of adaptable, extensible user experience is an important aspect of user adoption of the ERP UX.

The Embrace user interface allows users to add their own style and flare to their desktop and customise their UX. For example, they can adjust their display’s colours, contrast, and fonts. They can also specify how many titles and groups display on their home screen, as well as which notifications appear as high priority.

Engaged employees are more productive, more innovative and a lot happier. This in turn directly improves a business' financial performance!