As we head into the fourth and final quarter of 2017, welcome to another edition of embraceTALK!
In this edition we focus on and TALK about integrated reporting, “data driven decision making” and decades of win-win partnerships.
The Embrace Financial suite provides Financial Officers with complete control and real-time visibility, throughout the entire enterprise, empowering them to report on and paint a picture of the business in its’ true reality.
Taking this one step further, don’t miss the report back on our BI Seminar earlier this year.
We take great pleasure in presenting a case study on how The Capital Equipment Group (CEG) directs business growth, based on reliable, real-time information!
Team Embrace continues to grow and expand and we embrace this opportunity to introduce you to our newest team members!
While 18th July is “Mandela Day”, Team Embrace strives to make every day a Mandela Day and to this end embarked on a number of projects, making a difference in the lives of many. One such initiative was “The Photo Project”, and we humbly share our experience with you.
Also, just in case you missed it, Embrace has gone Social!
Follow us on the different social platforms to stay current with the latest ERP and ACS-Embrace news.