Embrace Web Services takes Customer Service to the Next Level
Integration and Customer-Centric Environment
Web Services extend Embrace ERP system and information beyond your organisation and provide a platform for secure integration into external systems, perhaps as part of a B2B solution, or integrated into a web-based portal or published as mobile apps.
Interfacing with external third party systems, our customers are using Web Services to create a presence on the web, ensuring their mobile users are accessing the most current online information available and simplifying and streamlining the business of doing business. A mobile interface enables organisations and their people to move closer to the customer. Creating a customer centric environment enables customers to interact on a very different level, while promoting superior customer service.
Prior to the introduction of Web Services, stock and pricing information was extracted from the ERP system in a batch mode and uploaded onto a web server to be the basis of an online interface. Product information from the system was uploaded to a web server, to serve as a product catalogue, with stock availability and was a snapshot of stock levels at the time the data was extracted. Debtors and pricing information would be extracted and uploaded to the web server to facilitate the processing of online orders but all of this information is, however, only a snapshot, and becomes outdated almost immediately, as transactions are processed, either on the back-end ERP system or when online transactions are processed on the web site. Stock level inaccuracies, pricing discrepancies and inaccurate information mean that the extension of transaction processing to the web was fraught with challenges.
Web services enable real-time access to enterprise information, ensuring timely, accurate information is available and mobile users are able to access the most current information available.
Is Embrace Web Services for you? Ask us about your case.
Agrinet Case Study
Choosing A Flexible Solution To Suit Your Growing Business Needs