Control Costs, Increase Efficiency and Boost Customer Satisfaction!
What is Embrace Maintenance Contracts?
The Embrace Maintenance Contracts Module provides a complete end-to-end solution to companies operating in the repair, service and maintenance environments. It is fully integrated with the Service and Deal Management Modules, giving full visibility of each service article for the lifetime of that article. These articles include vehicles, forklifts, phones, air conditioners, computer equipment, i.e. any piece of equipment that requires maintenance.
Flexible Contract Maintenance
Increased efficiency and profitability of the maintenance organisation is ensured through flexible contract management, which allows one to quote, create tailored contracts, define coverage and bill timeously and accurately. Save time and money by making efficient use of assets as well as employee’s time!
Embrace clients use Maintenance Contracts to:
- Financing the long term hire of an asset
- Performing Service Jobs against the contract
- Allocating and invoicing customer costs, e.g. labour and/or parts in selected maintenance option
- Applying price adjustments in accordance with prime interest rate fluctuations
- Defining lease revenue /expense accounts for each asset
- Booking lease revenue/expense against lease contract
- Measuring the profitability of the contract
Is Maintenance Contracts for you? Talk to us
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